Friday, April 07, 2006

Macho Marketing

In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, there was a bit of controversy over an ad that depicted a semi tractor-trailer barreling down residential streets and forcing smaller cars off the road. A trucking industry group was rightfully concerned that this ad reinforced negative stereotypes about the drivers in their industry.

If the group was paying attention, they'd know that they aren't the first victims of a new craze of "macho marketing," a movement apparently attempting to appeal to those who want to buy themselves some tough.

The ad in question is for a sports drink and it depicts this semi rolling through neighborhoods. As manly men see it pass, they take up some sort of manly activity and pursue it. By the end, there is a big studly procession following as the semi forces the Red Bull truck off the road.

I first noticed this trend when I picked up my normal body wash. Though not very manly, I like body wash because it works better. However, that wouldn't be a good enough reason had I not been reassured by the packaging that the product "won't wash away testosterone."

Phew, close one. I was on the verge of being less manly.

The sad thing is that these pleas appeal to the lowest element of masculinity -- the competitive, insecure, tough-guy, fight-fight-fight inner self that is just dying to be given a marketing rational to abandon rational thought.

Are men really so insecure that these tactics work?


Anonymous said...

Yes, men absolutely are this insecure. Women are no better off, either. Our society foists these unattainable values on us, and immense profit is derived from that insecurity. Insecurity is a feeling that fosters what I like to call, "stupid bullshit" commerce, and breeding insecurity is great for business.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Marketers take the facts and turn them on you. It’s their job and they are good at it. Men and women alike see these tactics as obvious, crude and even absurd but we still buy into them because our Id has the final say.

Anonymous said...

Men have been emasculated for so long it make sense that some things will go to the extreme in the macho direction in order to find balance. I’m glad to see masculine traits celebrated even if it’s to a comical extreme.

A sensitive, nurturer isn’t natural for MOST of the males in our species. Just from a man physical evolution, it is obvious men are designed to conquer and be providers. Women are better designed for our traditional family roles too with our eye for fine details like the subtlety in a child’s cry. I firmly believe whatever “higher power” that’s at work designed us the way we are for a reason. Equally important but very, very different.

The last few decades of feminist extremism has tried to vilify masculine traits in men making it seem bad to be manly. They even make it seem as if fathers aren’t needed, boys shouldn’t play rough sports like dodge ball, and a man wanting to provide for his family so he can have a home cooked meal at night is some kind of bastard.

I say bring on the “macho marketing” if it helps us embarrass masculine men. Who knows, maybe it will help us phase out that “wussy rock” you listen to. I’m for anything that gets that stuff off the radio. lol

Anonymous said...

Staubio!!! Staubio!!! Where for art though Staubio! Well...well...well... Matt Staub....a blast from the past. So I see you have taken time out from your Dirty Jenga extravaganza's and have now turned your attention to making bus commercials. We are very proud! Email

Allie Zaroor

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was a nice website you used to have...