Friday, May 06, 2005

Litigous Stubpointing?


So, a guy goes into a custard shop where a young employee has recently sliced off the end of his finger in the mixing machine. The man buys some custard and discovers said fingertip. Man smells dollar signs and a big money lawsuit. Doctors say they can save the fingertip and reattach it. Man refuses to give it back, obviously because he wants to maintain his priceless evidence. Finger dies, window of opportunity passes, man continues to horde said finger in his freezer.

The human race has reached an all-time low on the same bus as our justice system.

You can read the story here.

From the article, a bit of light-hearted legal analysis: "The man who lost the finger has the superior claim,' said Paul Lombardo, who teaches at the University of Virginia's law school. 'It's his finger and he might be able to use it.'"

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